Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The 1000 Nights Premise

I am always looking for interesting ideas.  And they always seem to hit me in the most random places and at the most random times.  So when I went to some training for work, I didn't exactly expect to be struck with a lightning bolt of amazement.  I mean, I love my job and all, but training is usually a little dry.  But Dan Gilmartin, Executive Director of the Michigan Municipal League, gave an opening speech about the idea of '1000 Nights of Fun'.  Allow me to give you the short version:
  • Most people are getting married later in life and having children later in life. On average, about 10 years later than previous generations did.
  • In those 10 years, they need to have a good time.  Or they might get married and have babies because they get bored. 
  • These folks try to get out and about around 100 nights a year.  Which, if you think about it, is every Friday and Saturday in a whole year.  Which is the pace I am on in 2010...
  • So the quick math there...lemme find the calculator...there are about 1000 nights of entertainment that people can take in. 
As Executive Director of MML, Mr. Gilmartin was clearly pointing out that Michigan communities can capitalize on this trend and we should be investing in our communities more and working more on place making and downtowns.  And the politicians have pretty well ignored communities this decade.  But I digress.  I spent the training session letting my mind wander a little bit.  This was a concept that I had never really hought about before.  What could I do with a 1000 nights?  Where would I go?  Who would I take?  What would I feel like the next day?

I eventually turned the idea into a presentation at Ignite Lansing 1.0, focusing on the Michigan Avenue corridor between East Lansing and Lansing.  I only had five minutes, so I wasn't going to be able to cover 1000 nights  that quickly.  But it planted the seed in my mind.  I thought about everything that I did in the last year and thought about all the things I wanted to do.  I didn't really have the time to do them all (I was married), but I started thinking about doing a blog.  This was a great concept and I was really excited when the MML started trying to push the idea.  Started a faceypage and everything.  And they haven't posted since July of 2009.   Really guys?  Something about being in downtown Lansing... 

So I am picking up the torch and running with it.  I am going to try and turn this crazy demographic concept into a mini travel blog of sorts.  Show off some cool things to do and places to go in this wonderfully crazy State that I call home.  And trust me, there are a lot of things to do. I'll get to do more and see more than I have in the seven years I have lived up here.  And hopefully the world will read this thing.

But before you go, really think about the concept for a minute.  Think about everything that you did last year in Michigan.  Think about everywhere you went, all the festivals you attended, sporting events, and just plain fun times.  What would you do with 1000 nights?  What have you done?  Feel free to pass along suggestions.  I am always down for a road trip. 

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